Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel said Monday that the killing of dozens of people in a camp for displaced Palestinians in Rafah was “a tragic accident.”
His comments came at a particularly delicate time, just three days after the International Court of Justice appeared to order Israel to immediately halt its offensive in the city and as diplomats were aiming to restart negotiations for a cease-fire and hostage release deal between Israel and Hamas at some point in the next week.
Israel said the strike on Sunday night killed two Hamas officials, but the civilian deaths generated instant condemnation, likely making it harder for Israel to defend its view that the ambiguity of the court order allowed it to continue its campaign in Rafah.
Quelle NYT

Wieder ein Unfall, obwohl der IGH Israel aufgefordert hat, die Offensive in Rafah zu stoppen.

Wer kann diese Beteuerungen und Entschuldigen eigentlich noch für bare Münze nehmen, müssen jetzt nicht Konsequenzen folgen?