Was bedeutet 'Boomer/s'?

5 Antworten

Ok boomer.

Eng.Definition :Baby boomers is the demographic before Generation X. Baby boomers were born between 1946 and 1964. Ok boomer is a dismissive phrase used to mock baby boomers and those who are seen as old-fashioned and out of touch with reality.

So for example, if an older person says something like: "Millennials need to stop complaining about never owning a house when they keep spending all their money on houmous and avocados. When I was 19, I already had two houses AND I ran a successful business." The appropriate response would be "ok boomer", which is essentially telling them to shut the hell up.

It's also because young people don't have the energy to argue with people who will never see beyond their present-day privileges.

Also ist sowas wie: Ok alter, verkriech wieder in dein Loch xD

Boomer (Baby Boomer) sind Menschen die in einer bestimmten Zeit geboren wurden (194?-196?), wie Gen Z oder Millenials. Den Boomern wird nachgesprochen, dass sie die Millenials und Gen Z als unverschämt bezeichnen und ihnen nachsprechen, dass sie nicht mehr ohne Handy und Internet können. Anstatt dass sich die anderen Generationen verteidigen, antworten sie neuerdings einfach mit ok boomer, da sie das Rechtfertigen satt haben.