Welche sind eure liebligssprüche /Zitate?

3 Antworten


Viele, sehr viele

  • “No matter who you are, where you’re from, your skin color, your gender identity, just speak yourself. Find your name and find your voice bye speaking yourself.” ~Namjoon
  • "No one was born ugly, we're just born in a judgemental society" ~Namjoon
  • “Everyone suffers in their life. There are many sad days. But rather than sad days, we hope to have better days. That’s what makes us live. That’s what makes us dream.” ~Namjoon
  • "Living without passion is like being dead" ~Jungkook
  • "The more you feel like giving up, the more you can’t do that." ~Tao
  • "What we should really fear is not failure but the heart that is no longer brave enough to take risks and embrace challenges." ~G-Dragon
  • "If life goes on just the way you want it to be, it musst be a dream" ~Jisoo

Und natürlich das weiseste und bedeutenste aller Zitate:

"SM water tastes like water" ~Wendy, Yeri

Woher ich das weiß:eigene Erfahrung

Hallo TotesEngelchen

Rom wurde nicht in einem Tag erbaut, aber es wurde jeden Tag dran gearbeitet

Gruß Paul

  • Und sieh, die Tafelrunde ist aufgelöst. Ein Symbol der mächtigen Welt.
  • Humans need fantsy to be human. To be the place, where the fallen angel meets the rising ape.