Englisch he/she/it, it steht für es, aber was kann das alles sein, also was ist mit it gemeint, was kann alles mit it bezeichnet werden?

7 Antworten

Grundsätzlich alles was keinem Geschlecht zugeordnet wird.

"The car" (Das Auto) zum Beispiel.

"What do you think of my new car?"
"I think it's very nice but it's also too large."

Wann verwendet man denn "es" in der deutschen Sprache? In der englischen Sprache ist das nicht anders.

Es schneit = It's snowing

Es ist kalt draußen = It's cold outside

In English, "it" is a third-person singular pronoun that is used to refer to inanimate objects, animals, and abstract concepts. It is often used to refer to things that have already been mentioned or are already known to the listener or reader. For example, you might say "The cat is sleeping on the couch. It looks very comfortable." Here, "it" is referring to the cat.

Alles, was keinem Geschlecht zugeordnet ist.

It is nice... Es ist nett...